Wednesday 19th of June 2019 - Barcelona, Spain (Montserrat)

A beautiful sunrise met us as we pulled into the cruise terminal in Barcelona, Spain.
Christopher Columbus statue

This was one of our favourite cities on the last world cruise, today we're heading out to Montserrat, a mountain range not too far from the city.

The drive up the mountain
I will say that there was a fair bit of pollution around the city that was noticeably increased since we visited 10 years ago.  It took us about an hour and a half to get out of the city and up into the mountains.
The drive..

Dave at the lookout
The drive was quite good, if a little hairy in parts (especially going up the side of the mountain - those bus drivers must really be old hands at it, as they flew around corners way faster than I would have!).
The Monastery
We arrived at the monastery and had a walk around looking at all the religious items, it's quite an impressive complex - we didn't end up going all the way to the top, I didn't like the look of the elevator/train that went up the side of the mountain - just way too steep.

It was a nice visit.. lots of tourists arrived about half an hour after we arrived, glad we got there early - it was packed by the time we left.

Was a good day!


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