Wednesday 10th of July 2019 - Portland (UK) - Stonehenge

View from the Cabin
Reasonably early up this morning, we boarded a tour bus and headed towards Stonehenge!

2 of the remaining movable harbours used in D-Day
It was a longish drive out through the English countryside - on heading out of the harbour at Portland we got to see some WW2 artifacts - they still have a couple of Mulberry Harbours that were used during the D-Day landings in the Harbour, along with some tanks and other things.

They've really organised the area around Stonehenge - the area has been mostly blocked off and left to go back to it's traditional environment.  We arrived at the visitor's centre and boarded the bus for the 10 min drive over to the stones.
Dave with some of stones almost as old as he is!
It was quite interesting to see - still mostly a mystery, from how it was built - to where it was built (in the middle of frigging nowhere).

It was a beautiful day - nice and warm, blue sky and soft winds! and excellent day for a drive through the countryside!


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